Friday, June 12, 2009


France, its rich history and language have been written about, analyzed, discussed, explained ad nauseam, that we think we have an understanding of the French mind. Interestingly enough, this idea has merits but up to a certain point. However, it is not always practical as the landscape of the French culture, traditions, style, class, charm, ancient history, modern history, is varied and complicated but, nevertheless, rich and fascinating. It is not surprising that the famous expression: Plus ça va, plus c’est la même chose, seems to be one of these maxims that over time have become clichés, but, which, nevertheless are still true and very much applies to France. Maybe they are the ones who invented the saying.

My blog: is not about secrets or private matters but, rather, it is about confidence, something to be trusted, firm beliefs, assurances, and confidence in one’s own ability. However, the idea for this blog is not to elevate the French to a position of superiority vis a vis the rest of us, and certainly the French are known for their self-assurance that they know better than everybody else. I say this with the most benign intent. Rather, the intent here is to be able to muse over who they are—who they are not. What they are—what they are not. Where they are—where they are not. That it is constantly surprising us both in terms of the French hanging on to their traditional ways and at the same time exploring the new with eagerness and panache. I hope to be able to bring a personal point of view about the French and what they represent to the rest of us, certainly to me.

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